ADS Week3
By: Ryan Darling
This week we were tasked to find a brand that is using social media to promote their brand in a very effective way. I chose IHop or IHob now, this company if you didn't already know is known as a breakfast chain around the world. recently they decided to change their name from IHop to IHob. Ihop standing for international house of pancakes and IHob standing for international house of burgers. They made this change to show that they are not just a pancake restaurant but they also serve great burgers. What was really amazing was their marketing. They could have just said on twitter of facebook "Hey Ihop here, just letting you all know we server burgers too." But instead they did something remarkable, they changed the name of their store which started a media explosions the likes of which we have never seen. Instead of spending advertising dollars on making commercials and ads they had people spread the word for them. In Seth Godin TedTalk named "How to get your good idea to spread" stated that in todays world of marketing the riskiest thing a company could do is be average or play it safe. This is a prime example of a company who didn't play it safe they took a risk of backlash and criticism and their was a lot of criticism; such as these below.

This joking from other companies, other people and even the major news networks played right into what IHop was trying to accomplish. IHop of course did not really change their name to IHob but for a short time they made everyone think they might do so.
Effectiveness of this Campaign:
The target of this market was outrage marketing. Which is an outstanding way to market. It works by making a very bold sometimes risky business decision to get media attention and spreads throughout every social media site with little to no money invested. People want to be the first to discover things and tell their friends, or be in a community of fellow people who know what they know about a topic, product of business. So by preying on humans, business or media who feels they need to tell people about an outrageous story they heard about, they company gets major publicity with little to no cost.
If I was helping:
If I was on the marketing team for IHop I would change a thing. This was one of the best PR stories I've seen in my life and I can't believe it worked so well. I did not even thing about Ihop for years until this story came out and I can't stop thinking how great of an idea this was.
Part 2
These two Ads are from a podcast that I listen to often and each is from a different show. The first is Dollar shave Club. The ad is read by people my age and is very free flowing, it sounds like an ad the reader even jokes about all the money he is making from reading this ad to the listeners. He jokes about the product and goes off script often. Ending the ad by saying "keep those ads coming more money for me". The second ad is read by a man who is much older then me. The product is Pitney Bowes it is a shipping solution for business owners. This ad is very formal and gives you a lot of information. This ad does not give you the price like the other ad did and the way the author is reading it makes it sound like he does not even use it.
The first ad persuasive technique was famous personal testimony. The reader is a you-tuber David Dobrik he explains in realistic terms how he uses the product and really likes it, which helps me want to buy it. the second ad uses the irrigation approach telling you how the old way of shipping is awful and how this way is much better.
The first ad is my choice for the best ad. It appeals to my age group, it is read by a famous person who is my age and the reading fits the way I would like to be advertised the transparent way of advertising. The second failed because I would not use this product nor should you in this digital age. the reader was much to formal and the reader is much older the I was. I also did not like that they did not say the price for the product which the other ad did do.
I could not put the podcast on this blog.

This joking from other companies, other people and even the major news networks played right into what IHop was trying to accomplish. IHop of course did not really change their name to IHob but for a short time they made everyone think they might do so.
Effectiveness of this Campaign:
The target of this market was outrage marketing. Which is an outstanding way to market. It works by making a very bold sometimes risky business decision to get media attention and spreads throughout every social media site with little to no money invested. People want to be the first to discover things and tell their friends, or be in a community of fellow people who know what they know about a topic, product of business. So by preying on humans, business or media who feels they need to tell people about an outrageous story they heard about, they company gets major publicity with little to no cost.
If I was helping:
If I was on the marketing team for IHop I would change a thing. This was one of the best PR stories I've seen in my life and I can't believe it worked so well. I did not even thing about Ihop for years until this story came out and I can't stop thinking how great of an idea this was.
Part 2
These two Ads are from a podcast that I listen to often and each is from a different show. The first is Dollar shave Club. The ad is read by people my age and is very free flowing, it sounds like an ad the reader even jokes about all the money he is making from reading this ad to the listeners. He jokes about the product and goes off script often. Ending the ad by saying "keep those ads coming more money for me". The second ad is read by a man who is much older then me. The product is Pitney Bowes it is a shipping solution for business owners. This ad is very formal and gives you a lot of information. This ad does not give you the price like the other ad did and the way the author is reading it makes it sound like he does not even use it.
The first ad persuasive technique was famous personal testimony. The reader is a you-tuber David Dobrik he explains in realistic terms how he uses the product and really likes it, which helps me want to buy it. the second ad uses the irrigation approach telling you how the old way of shipping is awful and how this way is much better.
The first ad is my choice for the best ad. It appeals to my age group, it is read by a famous person who is my age and the reading fits the way I would like to be advertised the transparent way of advertising. The second failed because I would not use this product nor should you in this digital age. the reader was much to formal and the reader is much older the I was. I also did not like that they did not say the price for the product which the other ad did do.
I could not put the podcast on this blog.
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