Banned Books
Banned Books
By:Ryan Darling
When thinking about banned books I imagine books that have bad or sexual language that is not appropriate for younger readers. I was very surprise to find To Kill A Mocking Bird was on that list. I remember reading that freshman year of high school and I thought it was a great book. looking back I can see why it was banned. Due to the racial discrimination that is going on in the book, but that was part of the time when this book was set.
I think that it is very harmful to make books such as ones depicting history as it was such as To Kill A Mocking Bird or The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. those books are important for us to see how it was like in the times it was set in. If we sensor those books it takes away from the learning that can be achieved from seeing the mistakes of our grandparents so that we know never to repeat it again.
Thinking about the books on my own shelves and in my phone I mostly read books about business such as the Rich Dad Poor Dad and the Millionaire booklet. These teach about how in the first book mentioned how the people you are around can influence the way you conduct business and your finances such as the poor dad didn't invest or save his money and the rich dad did and each at their later years found stark differences in the way got to live. The second book is more or less a guide that shows you how to invest and use your money the wisest way possible.
The last three magazines I have read throughout the year were People, Car and Diver and Golf Digest. The People magazine is entertaining because it give you a look into the celebrities and what they are up too. Such as the newest publication that has not came out yet talks about Aretha Franklin passing away and how her music has changed the culture around African American artists. ( Golf Digest is a magazine that I don't really read as much as I look at the photos and the adds for new golf clubs. I have been into golfing since I was very little and when I ordered a new set of irons they gave me a year subscription to Golf Digest for free. The link shows one of my favorite parts which is the list of the best golf clubs out right now. ( hot-list). Car and Driver is my favorite one by far, like the golf one I just look at the photos more then the articles the cars are so beautiful an the stories come second to that. ( Car and driver tells about new cars that are coming soon, old cars in museums and performance cars that you'll never be able to buy. Such as the new concept Corvette that is suppose to have over 1000HP.
In these puplication there are a lot of different advertisements lots of perfumes in people and dog/cat food ads. in the car and driver one there are a lot of motor oils and tire ads. The golf one seems like an ad all itself the whole thing has ads for clubs and resorts you can go play lots of expensive things. as a consumer I can see why they would put ads in these magazines because I'm looking at them and that means they can through out something that I may want to buy maybe i'll take the bait.
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